04 December, 2003

The path of the journey of life is riddled with potholes and scenic nooks into which one may fall and be lost for moments, weeks, decades. It's not about the journey. It's not even about the detours. It's about the unexpected, the surprise.

At least, today it is. On my way here to post something else, I discover, through my semi-random, title-generated wanderings, the blog of a person with a zenmind. Very cool stuff, that. Was it a pothole or a scenic nook? Depends, I guess, on one's perspective. It's all about perspective, isn't it? No, it couldn't be. I just said it was all about surprises. Well, I'm of two minds about that, then. At least.

What I came here for was to post my most recent horoscope, from Rob Breszny's site as I found it strangely encouraging. Here it is.

I'm worried you'll suffer an attack of shyness or modesty this week. Instead of pushing to get exactly what you want, you might dream up lame excuses to explain to yourself why it's OK if you don't get exactly what you want. Or you may be satisfied too easily and retreat to your hiding place before fate has a chance to bestow the fullness of its unexpected blessings on you. Please fight off this trend, Cancerian. Give your inner wimp a dozen roses and send your inner warrior out to collect your just deserts.

I have lately been accused of pushiness and impatience, by someone I care for very deeply. I have been told that I "should" be satisfied with less, that I "shouldn't" be loud and flirtatious, that I need to learn this or that lesson, mostly having to do with restraint and self-denial. I spent many years in that hiding place, and it was dark and cold and lonely. I won't go back, but it hurts me to think that someone thinks I "should."

It's a relief, a comfort, to have an astrological refute.

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