04 April, 2006

A Thought:

What bothers me most about the term "fucked my brains out" is the involuntary visual of nasal penetration and grey matter surging in spastic rhythm from every other cranial orifice.


Anonymous said...

Er...what's bothers you least about the term, then?

Jon Hunt said...


Perhaps its the "ear penetration" that Iggy Pop sings about in "Lust for Life:" "Of course I've had it in the ear before!"

Why does it have to be the nose?

The Retropolitan said...

Re: Blogroll updating, not brain-fucking-outing.

I use Blogrolling (found conveniently at Blogrolling.com) for my blog link management, and they're pretty good. I wish I could just use the Wordpress blogroll, but after trying that I figured out that I found the UPDATED! feature too convenient. If you're just hand-coding the links into the Blogger template, I don't think there's any way to get notifications of recent updates.

Back to the topic, I hear that that's how the Ancient Egyptians began the mummification process.

Anonymous said...

I prefer the phrase "fuck my ass off". Or perhaps "fuck me halfway to death". Although my favorite of all is when my girlfriend fucks me into bed at night...

Traci Dolan said...

Oh, the mental image...

Cybele said...

Robert- The word 'fuck'.

Jon- it didn't HAVE to be the nose, it just IS.

Retro- Thanks. And....eeww.

Paul- Yep.

Nan- I know, right?

Anonymous said...

Actually I prefer "fuck me til I cry" in the great fornication debate but then again I'm a little odd. Wait: you already knew that didn't you?

Anonymous said...

(from the other Robert)

The expression is a bit nasty isn't it. Although, consider the clean alternative... surely it is better than "made sweet gentle love to me till my neural matter was coaxed from my cranial orifices (orifi?)"

Orifice. Now there's an innocent word that conjures up all sorts of unwanted images.

But then again, I am a prude when it comes to the actual act, or rather, the using of "bad" words during the act, so I'm probably not the best one to comment.

d said...

What I LIKE about the term is the idea of brains spilling out your ears. Although the penetration would happen in the usual places.

As for Iggy Pop, I'm fairly certain he's referreing to shooting heroin into his ear. Which is cringe-worthy for other reasons.

Cybele said...

Stephanie- til you cry? Ow.

Robert- You're an old-fashioned sort of guy.

Dan- Penatration in the 'usual' place depends on who you are and how you do it.