18 May, 2007

No Answers

...why do we never get an answer/ when we're knocking at the door?/ with a thousand million questions....

...because no one asked anything. I'll repeat my offer to answer questions from the peanut gallery comments forum, and I'll leave this open awhile, as I've three or four writing projects, all with deadlines before month's end; the chances of an actual meaningful post are slim.

(Primarily Decorative does realize that some of you are tempted to point out that here at CrushWorld, chances of actual meaningful posts are always slim. She thanks you for not doing so.)

If your question is RenFest related, please indicate whether you'd like Cybele's perspective or Mimi's, because they're different. Usually.

I'll answer most anything, including questions about laden and unladen swallows. I'm a writer AND an improv artist.

Obviously, making up shit is my specialty.

(Question; Moody Blues)


Anonymous said...

If you could steal one thing in the world, other than money, without getting caught, what would it be and why? (I suppose that's two questions). The Mome Rath

Cybele said...

Noted. Next question? (MR, would you please gmail me? I has questin 4 u. Link is at sidebar.)

Anonymous said...

This one is actually for both of you - Cybele and Mimi :)

If money were not an object, would you wish to sit one season out at MDRF and just go as a patron to be entertained? or would you miss being Mimi just too much to be able to do that?


((I have a second one as well - has any parent ever gotten upset when Mimi swipes a baby? The babies always seem quite happy to be soaring above the mundane LOL))

Cybele said...

Stphanie, excellent questions. Anyone else?

Anonymous said...

Mome Rath here. I gmailed you. Didja get it? I want to answer your question. I really do. I'm hoping the answer is avocado.

Anonymous said...

The Peach would like to know, if upon her next visit there are injuries, where she might find your first aid supplies???

Cybele said...

Hm, a question that requires research. I'll get right on it. Anyone else?

Michael said...

What's for dinner?