....Sabba sibby sabba; Nooby abba nabba/ Le le lo lo......
Do not phone me with your accent dripping with Jamaica, or Sri Lanka, or China, and then be offended when I ask you to repeat yourself because I don't understand you.
Don't assault my ears and my limited brain capacity, then smack me with your impatient and condescending attitude. Just don't even. You called ME, remember?
Plus, you're a telemarketer, remember?
Not so high up on the food chain, I think.
(Good Morning, Starshine; 5th Dimension)
I would say... bottom dweller, not even on the food chain...
I hate 'em, but in Bangalore, they're considered among the elite.
Nan, I dunno- the guy under the bridge with the poorly spelled sign and his hand out- now THERE's a bottom dweller.
Mike, I believe it. Sad, huh?
Worse than the telemarketers, though, are the customer service reps employed by my car insurance company, or my cellphone service, or anybody I have to call and get help from....because I can't hang up on them.
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